Kirsten Dirksen Visits Inventor Paul Elkins

Paul Elkins invents things like micro houses that can be towed behind a bicycle, micro boats, and pedal-powered vehicles… among many other things. Paul used to work at Boeing, but now has fun building fun stuff.
His work is inspiring because he pushes minimalism to an extreme. While his tiny structures are lightweight, weatherproof, and portable they are also functional and include all the essentials. From a tiny house design perspective, his work serves an extreme example that sets the standard for small and outside-the-box thinking.
In the video below filmmaker Kirsten Dirksen visits Paul at his home in Washington and gets all the details. Follow Paul Elkins on YouTube and check out the plans he sells for his shelters, vehicles, and boats. For more fantastic videos like this subscribe to Fair Compnies, Kirsten Dirksen’s YouTube Channel.
I would say, that this is not a house. It is a shelter. Good idea, but should not be classified as a house. It would be absolutely useless in colder climates.