Shelter 2.0

Shelter 2.0 is an incredible prefab building system designed to provide shelter for those who need a home. The parts are fabricated from standard building materials and the shelter itself can be easily assembled by inexperienced builders. The estimated cost of a 10′ by 16′ shelter will run between $1,500 and $2,250 in materials. All the plans and assembly instructions have been published under a creative commons license to help put this simple housing solution in more hands. Visit the Shelter 2.0 website for more information.
Mass Produce these & send them to Haiti
I agree with BSC. Let’s figure out how the Eastern Shore community can support Shelter 2.0 and get it done!
Here are some pictures of face frames we worked on this weekend.
Thanks Robert! Amazing concept you have growing there. Thanks for the link to the additional photos!
The Red Cross collected $400 MILLION dollars for Haiti. I agree…make these for Haiti! The Red Cross has very high ‘ADMINISTRATION’ costs for their organization,but we should be able to eek out enough to shelter every single family in Haiti. And the ‘government overseers’ that need OK this kind of project could hardly refuse,now could they? Frankly I cannot see why this couldn’t work! Why would someone disagree w/ this idea? It’d be encouraging,happy news for the world. Why not?