Cottage Kit by Jamaica Cottage Shop
Here’s a how-to video produced by the folks at Jamaica Cottage Shop, a company in Jamaica, Vermont that builds shed and cabin kits. The video is a bit of an infomercial but it shows how prefab panelized kits are assembled. I don’t have any personal experience with this company so I can’t provide any kind of recommendation but their product sure seems like a good way to go for owner-builders that want an easy to assemble kit. The price seems about right for a kit of this kind too, but like any project the more work you do yourself the less money you end up spending.
great site. solid designs and extremely reasonable prices. I think it is worth your time to check this site out.
I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to locate this particular cottage on their website. All I can really see are sheds.
Here’s a link to a house that looks similar. It suspect it might be the same house.
Click on the oval logo ‘Jamaica Cottage Shop’ and then on design portfolio. There’s lots of pictures and good ideas!