Deek’s Book Reviews

This video is packed with reviews of tiny & simple living books. What I like about Deek is that he’s a strait-shooter and pulls no punches – while remaining a jokster to the core. He also has an amazing taste in clothes (notice the hat).

If you don’t know Deek… he’s the tiny house guy (and comic relief) behind the every-growing YouTube channel Tiny Yellow House and author of Humble Homes, Simple Shacks…

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  1. Too funny…

    Thanks for your anonymous, bold, and inspiring negativity “Jimmy Cracked Corn”- all when I’m merely trying to do something positive/productive, and to additionally help some authors out- without going the usual Ben Stein, monotonous-delivery route….

    Thanks for being such an open minded trooper, and for duking it out through this free video. Best with all…and please let me know when you’ve donated some of your own personal free time to help others out (aside from slagging them in a thread) so that I can fully review what you’ve offered.

    Lol- “Ya’ can’t please everyone- heck, you can barely please ANY of ’em”


    And Michael, thanks for your open-mindedness, support, and for what you’re doing for the whole movement. We all appreciate it.

  2. Style is a personal thing so if you don’t like Deek’s, don’t watch his videos. I find him funny and a lot like real live humans I’m used to, plus he offers up some useful info. You can always skip along the video to the books.

  3. Can’t we all just get along? 🙂

    No, not angry at all actually- sorry you read it that way- I found the comment more comical- hence the “Too funny…” that my reply opens with, and the later included “lol”, etc. I mean c’mon, the video is SUPPOSED to be ridiculous.

    Anyway, that’s the problem with emails and posts, there are too many ways to misread their intent or feel, as opposed to conversation with inflection.

    Definitely not angry though- more so entertained, I guess you could say. But sorry that your misreading my reply annoyed you or turned you off, etc. Have a good day regardless 🙂


  4. I personally think this guy is hilarious! In this case, he took something that would normally be Sahara-toast dry, a book review episode, and made it pretty wild, bizarre and energetic- albeit goofy. I was anything but bored watching it, and feel he’s one of the only tiny housing video hosts who can inform AND entertain.

    -Beth B.

    1. I think he is funny as well. I like it when people talk to me and not at me. Besides, I love the energy and silliness. Deek was definately the class clown in school. (just guessing) The guy who made the teacher laugh.
      Just my opinion.

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