Tiny House Build Along – March 2012

Tiny home builder Dan Louche will be hosting a Tiny House Build Along beginning in March 2012. This is a novel approach incorporating online and hands-on learning while building your own tiny house.
In a nutshell, Dan will begin building a tiny house in March 2012 and he’s inviting others to build their own tiny homes in parallel. Participants will have access to an online community where they’ll be able to get support and answers to their questions. He will also provide videos, pictures, and documentation that details the step-by-step build process. An online forum will be setup where participants will be able to ask & answer questions, share knowledge and experiences. On top of this each build process step will be accompanied by a group conference call where Dan will present the information needed to complete the step and field questions. Participants will also have Dan’s direct phone number if they get stuck and need immediate help.
The cost is $849 and includes a set of Dan’s detailed tiny house plans, his book, and the aforementioned details. If you’ve already bought Dan’s tiny house plans you can join the Tiny House Build Along for $600. If you’d like to use someone else’s plans (or your own plans) the cost is $749.
Reserve your spot today for $99. Learn more at tinyhomebuilders.com/buildalong. Also listen to Dan describe the Tiny House Build Along below.