Minimalist Kitchens & Cooking – Part 1

Tiny houses require thinking differently about food preparation. At first this might seem like a design challenge but it really begins with what you eat and how you cook. Recently I found a wonderful blog called Stone Soup – Minimalist Home Cooking which is filled with wonderful articles on simple food and recipes.
Stone Soup just started a series titled how to set up a minimalist kitchen which looks like a great resource for beginning the process of designing a small house kitchen. The first article focuses on what not to include in a simple kitchen.
There is no relation (that I know of) between Stone Soup and Jay Shafer but here’s a photo of Jay in his tiny house kitchen. Photo by Amanda. Continue to read Part 2.
I love the site but I dont agree with alot of the tips in that article.
I will have to read it more later. I noticed it recommend dropping the microwave, I think many tiny houses need that more than ever. I would rather have a convection and grilling microwave than an oven in some of the smaller houses!
“I love the site but I dont agree with alot of the tips in that article.”
Absolutely… I don’t know if I do. What I really like about the site and article is that it gives us a peek at how minimal one can go.
I have a convection microwave that I use way more than my conventional oven. In some of the small houses I have designed for myself I use a convection microwave and a small 2 burner glass cook top. I put the convection microwave under the counter below the cook top. I use my microwave 99% of the time. Just can’t cook a turkey in it.
Damon I love your small house plan. If you can send me a little info about it I’d love to write about it here on Tiny House Design. Thanks!
Great follow up article Michael. Its great that you have been joined by another blogger in a growing interest regarding simplicity and food prep. 🙂 Tammy and I have gotten to the point that we only have one kitchen appliance that uses electricity and that is the refrigerator. Some folks can’t live without a microwave or a toaster but we found that due to poor quality manufacturing and planned obsolescence we never had a new kitchen appliance that lasted more than a couple years. All that waste in electricity and appliance garbage made us stop and consider alternatives. We now hand pour our coffee and prepare many meals in a “one-pot” stove top style. We still use the gas oven but we’d love to try a solar oven one day. 🙂
Avoiding the microwave is a good idea for health reasons.