CLEAR VILLAGE Call For Entries

I must admit I was a little disappointed to see so few tiny homes in the list of finalists for the Design It: Shelter Competition. It just seemed like a perfect opportunity for tiny houses to emerge; although I admit I didn’t make time to draw up an entry so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
Luckily next Wednesday, September 23rd 2009, is the extended entry deadline for another design competition called CLEAR VILLAGE. The challenge is to come up with an ideal vision of a sustainable village. While I have a lot on plate right now, the House for Khayelitsha and Simple Panelized Shelter plans are nearly complete; so I should be able to whip up a tiny house village design for this upcoming competition.
In the mean time read more about the competition at Inhabitat and the CLEAR VILLAGE website. Photo credit wikipedia commons.
Just in case you’re curious about the photo… it’s Taos Pueblo and will be the inspiration for my CLEAR VILLAGE entry. The community has been continually inhabited for 1000 years. This particular structure was probably built between 1000 and 1450 A.D and is still the home of 150 people. You can learn more about this extremely sustainable village on their official website and wikipedia.
I too was disappointed with the finalists in that other contest. Designs were interesting, but functionality was questionable.
You’ve got me intrigued by using that photo of Taos Pueblo. Love the organic nature of the village. I’ve a yearning for as long as I can remember for a tiny hobbit house, with cob-style curves and built-ins.
Thanks Crystal. If you’re curious about exploring more southwest ancient architecture three of my favorite places are:
Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon
Gila Cliff Dwellings
Manitou Cliff Dwelling