Historic Mobile Chapel
A reader, Brent, passed this onto me. I really like running across historic tiny houses, especially tiny mobile houses. It’s nice to remember that our interest in tiny living is not new. In fact it IS how people have been living for generations. McMansions are just a recent distraction.
I admit this is a little off topic being a House of God and not the kind of house one would literally live in but I suspect this fellow spent more than a few nights in it on the road. Thanks Brent! Here is the original post.
Must be fate or something. I’m the author of the post that you linked to on ThinkChristian. It just so happens that the reason I even ran across the photo is because of my research into tiny houses.
Running across your blog has been a treat. I can’t wait to get involved in the forums here!
Glad you liked the forward.
Looks like I’m not the only reader of both Tiny House Design and ThinkChristian. 😉