Living at Walmart by Pat Pepin

While doing some research for a post on boondocking I ran across this music video I had to share it with my readers, even though it is a bit off topic. I also want to say this is not an endorsement of the big box marts of any flavor.
Staying the night in a Walmart parking lot isn’t exactly boondocking because it’s allowed. Boondocking is spending the night where camping is not allowed, in other words it’s no-so-legal free camping. It’s also important to mention that staying the night at a Walmart is only legal where local laws permit overnight camping. If you want to learn more there’s a Yahoo group about Walmart RVing.
And now, enjoy Living at Walmart by Pat Pepin.
FYI, Boondocking is RV camping in the “boonies” far from cities and without utilities. Stealth camping is the phrase for camping where it’s “no-so-legal”. Wallydocking is staying in a Wal-Mart parking lot.
Thanks for the clarification JohnnyB!