Opera Redefines The Tent Trailer
One of my readers, Mark, sent me a link to this great new tent trailer… and I must admit I’m having trouble even thinking of it as a tent trailer because it is has such an innovative design. It was designed by Axel Enthoven and is named the Opera due to its resemblance to the Sydney Opera House. Inside is a luxurious interior covered in stainless steel, hardwood, and leather… although it’s the expanding canopy that interests me.
I suspect it will be a fairly expensive unit but should also be lightweight and comfortable. More details will most likely be revealed next month at the Design at Work trade fair in Kortrijk, Belgium, when the Opera will be presented to the public.
My main interest in this trailer is the innovative way a fabric cover was used to shelter a complete tiny living space. So far most of the homes and designs I’ve posted on Tiny House Design have focused on traditional construction methods. Seeing this new trailer has definitely got me thinking that something like this could work great for those looking for an extreme simple living solution; think yurt on wheels or modern covered wagon. Thanks again for sending this my way Mark… great find.
Wow! That is one cool tent trailer and such a neat idea. I like your idea of extending it into a modern covered wagon. Looking forward to seeing some of your future designs that stem from this creative idea.
I agree with Kent comments. The idea of a modern covered wagon, potentially a new direction in design. I would love to see your ideas (as you get time in your busy schedule).
Thanks Mike & Kent… I agree. I’ll need to do some research first to figure out how best to design such a structure.
AWESOME! This adds an entirely new dimension (no pun intended) to my budding Tiny House knowledge. I am eager to see more from this out of the box thinker!
This is trully the Rolls Royce of Tiny & mobile. its pretty much done with the same approach as a yatcht and its a sight for sore eyes
Two random ideas:
Inflatable ribs or stiffeners might be useful, vs trying to get the geometry right with long rigid supports.
I once saw a kit that used heat shrink boat wrap over a lightweight frame to make a greenhouse structure.
Unfortunately production of these beauties has come to an end…