Stealth Parking in Vans & Trailers

Boondocking and Stealth Parking in a cute little tiny house would be tough because they look like habitable little homes. Although it’s also true that some have found that in the right situation tiny houses can be easily mistaken for a sheds, and can ‘camp out’ for extended periods of time in the same location.
Another alternative housing option are commercial van & cargo trailer conversions because their less conspicuous exteriors make them easier it is to park without drawing attention to themselves. But the interiors of these trailers and vans can be outfitted with all the comforts of home. Below are some examples of these kinds of stealthy housing options.
In many places this kind of ‘camping’ is not permitted by local laws so do your homework before settling in for the night. You might also find the information at Cheap RV Living useful.
I would sleep better if there was an emergency exit.