Help Build a Stronger Case for Tiny Houses


The other day I posted a story about Michael Mehta’s small house on Gabriola Island in British Columbia. Michael is currently working on a short article focused on small-scale, sustainable housing for a newspaper article and is hoping to leverage some of the tiny house community’s knowledge and experience. Here’s some background on the article:

In many parts of the world, people are beginning to realize that current consumption patterns, individualized modes of carbon intensive transportation, and living in houses that are becoming increasingly larger over the decades is unsustainable. Small or tiny houses represent a significant cultural and social shift that may provide several lessons about the merits of living better on a smaller scale. There are many obstacles that exist for this path to be achieved on a wide scale basis. One argument that needs to be made in a compelling way is the relative ecological footprint associated with small or tiny houses. This can be calculated in a variety of ways including embedded energy in construction materials, energy inputs for heating and cooling, etc. To make a solid case for small and tiny houses I need help putting together some data for a short newspaper article that I’m writing on this topic. Suggestions and data are appreciated.

Michael Mehta
[email protected]

I’ve already sent Michael some of my initial thoughts but we’re both hoping to find some additional ideas for building a strong case for small and tiny houses. For example, a LEED expert could probably be able to point out exactly how green is calculated and measured… but any input would be helpful so if you have any thoughts please post a comment or email Michael directly at [email protected]. Thanks!

Photo of Gabriola Island, BC. Photo credit


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