Locating Land for Tiny Houses

One of the most common questions I hear centers around where people can live in tiny houses legally. The challenge is that in many communities the definition of what qualifies as a residential home has been too tightly defined. For example, one of the things you’ll find are square footage minimums that define the smallest size a home can be, which can often be several hundred or thousand square feet.
I personally think all these rules are insanity because who in their right mind could determine a fixed minimum house size for everyone in a community. If the powers that be are trying to protect home values in the neighborhood they’ve also lost touch with reality because real estate appraisers will typically use similar properties for value comparisons. Luckily there are some ways to work within the system – to get around the system.
Photo credit Kahili Mountain Park via Tiny House Blog.
Some Loopholes
- Avoid building codes – Begin by finding communities that don’t have a lot of building restrictions. There’s a good ebook to start your search called No Building Codes written by Terry Herb at Containerist. The ebook outlines the building codes for each US State, at the state-level. If you are open to relocating and want to a quick reference by your side when seeking out states with few (if any) restrictions this is a good ebook to have.
- ‘Camp’ on your land – Trailer-based tiny houses are usually seen by most municipalities as RV trailers since they are built on wheels. So you can typlically live in a tiny house anywhere it’s legal to ‘camp’ on your own land. This is not always permitted so check the local ordinances with local law enforcement and/or the planning department. Other issues may still apply like how you’ll need to deal with waste water and drinking water.
- Alternate zoning – Look for multi-family zoned land. Typically there is no minimum unit size defined for multi-family zoned property which allows apartment building to have small apartments. It’s possible that with the right proposal, a planning department may approve building the first unit of a multi-unit tiny house development.
- Trailer park – Rent space at a trailer park. Some trailer parks have restrictive requirements like many homeowners’ associations, so avoid those. But many will be happy to have you park your custom trailer home in along side the other trailers.
- Build an eco-village – Consider buying an existing trailer park or campground with friends and turn it into an eco-village. This is one of my favorite tiny house community concepts because the zoning and infrastructure are already in place at these kinds of properties; although I’ve yet to see someone give it a try.
- Move out to the countryside – Many rural areas, even near major metropolitan areas will be more flexible with living solutions. There are many areas where migrant housing has already set precedents and paved the way for tiny house living.
- Backyard camping – A friends backyard might be a viable option if ‘camping’ is be allowed in your area. Setting up a tiny home in a backyard may also legally comply with the laws that support ADUs (accessory dwelling units). Even here in regulation-ridden California we have laws that permit the addition of in-law units.
- Hide in plain sight – I’m not advocating breaking the law but many people have found that simply setting up housekeeping in plain view works fine. The reason this works is that something so cute and in plain view is seen as a quality contribution to the neighborhood, not an eyesore. Onlookers seem to assume it’s some kind of cute shed, playhouse, or home office and just smile and continue on their way. Few would assume someone actually lives there, after all, who could live in a house so small? LOL
- Seek a variance – This is essentially asking the local planning department to consider an exception to the rule. If you work the green angle and diversity angle you may get more traction. There is quite a bit of risk with this approach because you have to buy the land before you can apply for building permits.
Wrapping Up
Finding a place to live in alternative housing requires thinking outside the box and looking for pre-existing loopholes. By all means try to avoid breaking the law and risking loosing your home. Building your home on a trailer can reduce the risk because you can simply move it if asked to by authorities. But it’s alwasy much nicer to find a place where you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.
“because you have to buy the land before you apply for building permits”
Whao, I’m pretty sure that is not the case everywhere. If you work with the seller they can give you permission to apply for the zoning amendment ahead of time. Also, while I am one of the ones that posted the variance thing as a suggestion, I later found out that where I live, in order to put a non-wheeled (so either with foundation or prefab but just resting on the surface style) tinyhouse, you need a zoning amendment.
These are usually temporary, apparently and can be for a year to 10 years before you have to reapply or renew it in some way. Unfortunately they are apparently not a very satisfactory solution because the municipality has no obligation to fork it over and they seem to be very anal about it.
Reading the minutes of your local council meeting can give you some idea of what you’re going up against. As far as I could tell from the minutes I read, it was a stretch to get a stand alone temporary (no foundation) accessory dwelling unit approved even in a wooded rural area for you own parents, the bastards even demanded that the property owner sign a contract for various useage conditions for the unit e.g. has to be continously used and only by the owners parents.
It’s not like this everywhere, though, apparently seattle and vancouver permit by default the construction of certain tinyhouse like things search “vancouver laneway housing” and “seattle cottage housing”, so maybe we can extend that to other cities.
Oh boy Michael, I think this is a big can of worms. Pardon, in advance, the long post that I feel is coming. I am familiar with Oregon Building Codes (based off of IRC) and many of the greater Portland area municipalities’ zoning codes. I write from this perspective.
States that have building codes truly are protecting folks. The code and inspections ensures that the house is being built safely. Moreover, room size minimums are to be sure that unscrupulous builders do not create 1000sf 5 bedroom (3 of which are 6’x5′ without a closet) homes akin to tenement housing. This is accountability and guides consumer expectations. I do realize that consumers have been conditioned to expect a small bedroom to be 10’x11′ and the previous example would probably not sell.
The codes also are in place to protect firefighters in rescue situations. I recently was privileged to listen in to the Oregon State Code Board and their revisions to our next code update. Most of their structural concerns were with firefighter safety. A floor over a basement collapsed last year due to structural inadequacy, causing the death of a couple firefighters. Windows are important too. You may be able to squeeze out of a 2’x2′ opening, but if you are unconscious, you will appreciate having a 5.7sf opening that a firefighter can get into, pack and all.
Oregon has minimum room sizes (70sf) and ceiling heights (7′ +/-) but these can be ignored if you are building the house yourself (contractor’s license not required) and will be living in it for at least two years (not selling it right away). The Carver series of homes on my website plays with this notion. All three homes are less than 300sf. Two have ‘legal’ rooms and the third ignores that standard.
I don’t believe that any jurisdiction in Oregon regulates minimum house size. These restrictions are generally put in place by upper scale housing developments with HOAs. You probably don’t want to live there anyways. Accessory structures are allowed without a permit in most zoned areas if they are 120sf and less. Oregon has increased this maximum to 200sf.
Camping on your land near municipalities is generally allowed but carries a rule of no more than 30 days in any 6 month period and cannot be closer than 3 miles to an established city (Clackamas County, some rural zones). I understand the idea is to keep transients from mucking up areas. Oregon apparently does not like it’s transients.
Your idea regarding multi-family is a great idea. Some of the zones around Portland allow for separated structures, but some require attached units. City of Portland has a minimum amount of units to be built on a piece of land. For instance, a 100’x100′ parcel in R-2 zoning requires a minimum of 4 units. They must all be built at the same time or within a couple years of each other.
Variances can be sought around here, but require several things. The first is that you must get approval from a percentage of neighboring properties within a certain radius. The second is that you must prove a hardship in order to apply for the variance. Most of the time, the use must not preclude the base zone use. For instance, trying to get a house built in an EFU (exclusive farm use) zone has several restrictions. The land is considered high quality and reserved for crops.
Setting up as an ADU is generally encouraged by the City of Portland and most other jurisdictions. Portland has even reduced their fees to create an ADU. Clackamas County will only allow one kitchen on a piece of property.
I like the idea of hiding in plain sight. I was recently looking at a piece of land that was 30’x1300′. This was a county owned property that was being auctioned off at a starting bid of $1048. It was zoned for farm use only, but allowed buildings that were incidental to farm use. My thought was to use the land as my own personal garden and orchard. I would build a 198sf (avoid permits) cute (neighbor appeal) ‘processing shed’ (incidental to farm use) and use that as a tiny cabin. My family of four would spend weekends there. In the fall, we truly would use the bed platforms to process bushels of apples.
My best option for a permanent home would be to purchase one of these substandard county parcels through auction that was zoned for housing. These parcels are considered substandard because they won’t fit a 40′ wide home and are therefore sold for 4 digits as opposed to 5 or 6. Many rural properties around here want a 10′ side setback. With the previous 30′ wide property (were it zoned residential), that would allow for a 10′ wide home, plenty wide enough for me to work with (and allows for the minimum 7′ wide rooms). In fact, cantilevers are allowed that would allow some rooms to be wider than 9′ inside.
Problem is that while I would spend $1000 for the land, I would end up spending $5000 or more for a well and $10,000 for a permit. I would install a composting toilet and avoid the septic cost. I do the building myself and after all costs are considered, I’m in a permanent legal place of 600sf for around $40k. This is acceptable to me but I know that others will be wanting to do the whole package for under $10k.
My other option was to enact the camping clause, drag a 28′ trailer to the site, and build a tiny home on it. Maybe even with pallets!
I hope this helps some of your readers who live in other parts of the country to explore their local codes and see what they can pull off.
Thanks Brian… excellent points. It also nicely balances out my general disrespect for them. LOL 🙂
But seriously, I’m sure there are lots of good reasons for codes, permits, and process… and I know that the core idea is to protect people.
By all means everyone should build safe homes and use the international building codes when it’s required and makes sense, even when building a tiny house. I hope I didn’t imply you should not; I was trying to stay focused on avoiding red tape loopholes more than building poorly.
The catch-222 example you gave of the odd-sized lot and $10,000 permit for a water well is perfect for illustrating how a loophole can be used to provide short-term housing while ‘harvesting apples’.
As far as Oregon is concerned, it is one of those places, like California, that is a bit strongly regulated (correct me if I’m wrong).
In a nutshell it’s states like Missouri that offer the most flexibility in terms of building codes. In places like these the loopholes I’ve described here are not so needed because there is more freedom to build. In fact this is how places like the Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage are possible. http://www.dancingrabbit.org/
Hi Michael,
I have seen this comment about Missouri in some other articles as well. I am trying to find more information in regards to my future tiny house in terms of parking. Can you give any more info as to why you list Missouri specifically?
You are so funny LOL.
I am in Australia just bought 1.5 acres & want a clarendon colonail cabin from SWAGS WITH WALLS.
Its a great idea about 27 square metre cottage but general requirement is 60 square meters.
1st be prepared. Theyre not just anal but gone mad with power. Then lie like a bandit. If it comes to blows at least youre going to want to get the fuck off my property.
I cant even get fucking wheelie bins until I pay council application and dont forget the highly illegal humanure toilet and by the time theyre finished stuffing this down your face they then tell you that grey water must go to a treatment plant for more chemicals so you can re-purchase it and I pay taxes for this “reasonable advice”…..the worlds gone mad.
Great website keep up the good work
Juliet Mills
Can you tell me more about this camping clause? I am hoping to buy a small piece of land in oregon (welches area) and live in a travel trailer while I build a cob house. I think this will take me 1-2 years. Is there a way to do this if you have a building permit or not? Some way to get around the 30 days every 6 months limit? I am a full time student trying to find a creative way to invest my school loans so that I can live sustainable/make a smart investment. Appreciate any insight!
That was a mouthful!
My land is considered Recreational. Many people camping up in the area the entire time. The county doesn’t have time to see if you live there and as long as there is not a foundation you do not have a problem.
Anyone looking for land, 2 acres available with stream running through the property and unfinished Tiny Home on pier block in Sierra Nevada, CA elevation is 400 feet.
email: [email protected]
Thanks Michael for addressing these important issues of finding adequate and legal land.
Now, it’s time to do the homework!
From Charlotte,
Michael, I’ve really been enjoying this blog. Learning a lot. We built the smallest house we could within our deed restrictions (1500sf) , and though the Mother-in-law house we scheme about building is smaller than we’re acually permitted to build by these deed restrictions, it seems that all of our neighbors have been flouting the restrictions anyway, so we could theoretically safely build and move into a tiny house, and simply threaten a counter-suit if the neighbors squawk.
A caveat about the variance part of your post:
“If you work the green angle and diversity angle you may get more traction.”
This depends very much on where in the country you are. Here
in Central Texas, working the green and diversity angle may actually work against you, and here’s an excellent explanation of why:
LOL good point Marc.
You might have already built since it has been 4 years since your comment but in case you haven’t, here is a thought. Squawk first! Ask for a variance for your built based upon the standard you see tour neighbors have and if they refuse the variance then you sue. It will most likely get you what you want with the blessing of the county without risking any adverse effects.
Every jurisdiction is different so generalizations are not particularly useful however to expand a little on Brian’s thread. Keep your eyes peeled for existing non-conforming uses – they exist in almost all jurisdictions and quite often maintain non-conforming rights. This can include substandard lots, sub-standard dwelling, non-conforming uses [residential in commercial or industrial zones etc]. Certain areas have a greater percentage of these uses. The Gulf Coast post Katrina had ton of small houses built by non-profits looking to help out. Not every community is ready for sub 100 foot free standing homes, but there are plenty of permitted 400 – 800 s.f homes and multi-family zoning allows considerable more density [smaller units]
Isn’t there enough membership on these lists to save time by learning from one another regarding zoning requirements? I ask this from the California San Francisco bay area. Given the upcoming demonstration in Sebastapol, others must have found communities that will allow a tiny house. Anywhere else in the northern California area that you are aware of?
I’ve never seen this as that big of an issue. Maybe that’s because in the Ozarks, there’s plenty of parcels with “No Building Restrictions.”
City codes need to be changed. Perhaps jay could collect success stories here that could be used in other communities?
Another idea I had was a tiny house building co-operative where a group in a big city could collectively buy a parcel of land and put together a planned unit development application.
The main issue against small houses is that the city wants to avoid shanty towns. A planned unit development could go a long way to alleviating those concerns.
In any case finding a legal way to build a small house is difficult.
Another idea I had was to use a multi family building lot. Usually the units do not have to be connected to each other. There are requirements for a minimum distance apart. Someone could buy a multifamily building lot and could possibly sell the other spaces as in a condo development.
Of course if the goal of small housing is to minimize the cost to live and impact on the planet one could always buy a fourplex and live in one of the apartments. Yet another way to find an affordable small space in the city.
It is just an idea.
Someone suggested that codes, regulations, and permits were in place to protect people. Yeah, right. That’s partly true, but not even half the case. All those rules are really in place so the government, be it local state or federal, can keep it’s hand in your pocket, and in your buisiness.
You will always deal with that garbage if you live within a municipality. The only way to live really free in your tiny house, is to build in the country. Buy enough land, in a rural enough area, and you can live in a teepee and nobody will bother you, regardless of the “zoning”. Just take a ride to the country and you’ll see all sorts of ramshackle dwellings that nobody messes with. Or like Victoria said about the Ozarks, “no restrictions”. That’s the only way to go.
There are also many campgrounds who will let you stay there for free or at a very reduced rent if you agree to work a certain amount of hours for the campground. Most have free WIFI so you can also work via the internet from your small home.
National forest also allow free camping. Take the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming for example. You can camp anywhere on the mountain for free as long as your 1/4 mile off the road and as long as you move your camper 5 miles every 2 weeks. They also have dump stations to dump your sewer from your camper.
I’ve also stayed in some beautiful BLM campgrounds for as little as $6.00 a night. Grap the caretaker and ask them if you go around with a trash bag and pick up some trash around the campground will they give you some free nights of camping. You would be surprised at how well you are recieved just by doing a little trash pick up.
I don’t like the whole mobile home park idea because I lived in a mobile home park and it was awefull. People had zero respect for their neighbors and the people around them and their was always a lot of drama at the park, so I will never rent a space at a mobile home park again.
Anyway, those are my thaughts, don’t know if they would be helpful, but I tried. :O)
Is there any information about the legal rules for Mexico?
Hi Diego. Sorry I don’t know anything about building codes/zoning in Mexico.
I have to agree with the comment above! This is all a bunch of crap! I even wrote congress & told them so! These building codes are NOT enforced for the safety of the communities or individuals this is all about $$$! It shouldn’t cost $40,000 to build a tiny home for safety purposes! If the hypocrites were so concerned about safety then how come that safety goes right out the window when a natural disaster occurs & people are left to fend for themselves! Via without water & power etc. If safety was such a high concern on their list there would be proper back up systems such as powerful generators in case of emergency! They can put a man on the moon but yet they can’t provide adequate safety back up systems yet like I said all rules go out the window when it comes to natural disasters all of sudden safety is NOT an issue! This is the wrong approach! What we should do is make & sign a petition against these ridiculous zoning laws! America is supposed to be land of the free! We need to go back to the ways of our fore fathers! amen!
Or at the very least provide certain areas as tiny home zones or a certain amount of tiny homes per residential zone area.
Btw I contacted the dept of building & planning here is california. Told them I was interested in building a A frame style solar cabin in a rural area with no utilities to it! Noone knew how to answer my q’s it went all the way to the supervisor b4 I received answers! I told him ppl were telling me it can’t be done he said yes it can! after he went through a list of requirements that would cost thousands of dollars! My A style cabin would be out of the question since it didn’t comply with similar structure’s built in ca. So, that explains all the ugly cookie cutter houses that ppl cannot even find their home because they all look the same! This has NOTHING to do with safety! He also told me as of jan 2011 a new zoning law was put into effect where every new structure built requires fire sprinklers & has to have proper pressure which would require a well cost about $5,000. When I told him this was all a joke! he responded safety! When I said where was the safety when we all went through the 94 quake without running water & electricity! He shut up real quick! then he told me his zoning code books went from 1 volume to 12 volumes since 2011! beyond ridiculous!
What’s funny is that if you ask him about putting up a storage building then it becomes way easier but the minute someone has to live in it then there are problems. I saw a video of a guy in Hawaii who got permission to build a full size family home with a garage and bathroom setup. He then told them he would be building the garage first; which they were okay with; which he did and then never got around to building the house. He lives in his garage in a studio type setup.
It’s true, in some situations living in a tiny house can be illegal. But there are a lot of good reasons beyond civil defiance for choosing extreme downsizing. The problem is that tiny houses break many of the conventional rules for single family zoning. This is not the case in all communities. Some places have far less restrictive rules, but determining which communities would allow tiny houses is as multifaceted mystery according to the diversity.
Following Anne’s comments, I too am interested in the Bay Area. My dream is to live in an artists colony/intentional community (a mix of literary, artsy types and techno types) in Northern California. I’ve followed many discussions about tiny houses, and the sticking point always seems to be zoning. Any thoughts or comments about Bay Area communities would be much appreciated. 🙂
It was mentioned buying an old mobile home park and turning it into an eco- community. Another idea along this line is buying land that is zoned for RV/mobile homes. Set up your tiny home as the office and lease spaces on your land to other tiny home enthusiasts who are into the arts.
I heard that to park in RV parks you need to have your tiny house certified, “RVIA.”
And there are only about three tiny house builders that can do that. Tumbleweed and my builder, Seattle Tiny Homes and another, I heard.
For the rest who built their tiny house themselves, I think it will be tough going through the process of proving that you built it to RV standards.
I think it depends on the RV Park. You are correct some builders are joining the RVIA and building to those standards.
We own 2 50 x 70 lots in a mfg. Home Park. There are HOAS but they said to submit a plan. Our county doesn’t allow tiny homes but I want to put a 560′ small home on it. At present we live on the lot next door and we can sublet it later. The home I want is 20 x 28 and looks like other homes but only takes up a third of the lot. I’ll keep you informed. Here is stuff I’ve learned in my searches. There is a city that is the first Tiny house friendly town in the country called Spur in Texas. Also, there are plans in Lakeview, Oregon to create a community called Tall Town, Tiny Home Village. It’s a lovely area there and is not far from Burning Man. In Turner Oregon there is a gated community planned (Hope Valley Resort) and 7 homes in place that seems promising with a pool and tennis court but not sure how it’s set up. I hope owners and builders will be responsible and make sure their homes meet residential standards. There are so many styles. Maybe parks should plan an area for cabin types, modern, freight containers, etc. Otherwise it will look like crap! That is all I have to say. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Walsenburg, CO recently passed ordinances to allow tiny houses.
I just received a building permit to build a 150 sq. ft. house on a lot in the city of Albuquerque, NM. NM is great for their lack of restrictions. I drew the plans myself on 8.5×11 paper and had no problems. There are places out there that are nice places to live and you can build your dream house legally without wheels.
Andrew, I’d love to hear more about your 150 sq foot home in Abq. Do you have a blog or other info on what you’re doing?
Where in Albuquerque? I currently live in Albuquerque and I am interested in building a Tiny home.
It such a bummer that those of us wanting to live in small houses have to look for alternative places to live, and that building codes favor big houses. Who comes up with this stuff anyway? Hopefully enough (and I mean hundreds of thousands) of people will take to the Small House Movement and we will start seeing changes in city codes all over the country, but that might be a long time coming.
HI, Lori Stephens and Anne:
I currently also live in Northern California, yeb, the beautiful Bay Area. I have been thinking and trying to figure out a way to live in a tiny house here but cannot get through the building codes of any county around here. May be we can all get together and purchase a small mobile home park so we can all have our own tiny houses, create a community garden, and keep our ground beautiful, even it is a mobile park! I really think it is doable if we gather a group of people who are interested.
I am another Bay Area resident interested in going small. I am just starting to investigate the legalities of the finding a site, but would rather be in a community with like minded individuals. How about starting a group of our own here in the Bay Area to investigate the possibility of acquiring land that is already zoned appropriately? I want to be under 400 feet, but to do that hoping that you won’t be ratted on by neighbors or having to purchase an appropriate house to then rent out and site your home on that same property, just does not appeal to me, nor does a mobile home park. Now if I were retired, I could travel around and stay at parks, but I’ve got another 20 years before that will happen.
I have started a Google Group on 3/29/2014, I look forward to hearing from some of you.
I heard cool things were happening in Ojai, near Santa Barbara.
I am going to be in the Bay Area at the end of this month (July 2016) and was hoping to do some investigation into where tiny homes could be legally situated in that area.
I will be staying in San Francisco from July 28th through August 2nd. I have a small sum to invest and would like to find like minded individuals to work with to make something happen.
Please let me know if you would like to get together to brainstorm and get the process started.
You might also want to check these two maps for folks/builders in the area.
and I’m with everyone – man this is brutal. I have a 50K budget plus maybe a bit more, and yet I can’t provide housing for myself. I’m stuck in a condo with horrendous neighbors. I want to pull my equity out and have a small house and lot to myself. The searching and finding and learning curve is steep. I want to build a shipping container house but the info and help isn’t there. I’ve found land various places but the permits and codes just wipe you out. I’d love to move to Oregon. Any help there (Brian maybe?) is welcome.
I am about to purchase land in Nevada and am looking for individuals with tiny houses on wheels that don’t mind the rustic living. You would have your own water as there is no we’ll drilled on the property and you would need your own solar.
Looking for individuals that are interested in leasing to own on the 40 acre plot I’m buying . We can also work together, grow crops, share them and make crafts etc to sell to help us make money off the land.
contact me if your interested, and lets see how we can help one another..
Hi there. I know you posted over a year ago, but I am just wondering if you ended up getting that land? What part of Nevada? We are still a year or so away from building, but definitely interested!
I live in Mendocino county. They don’t have any alternative building code and are very lax about just about everything. Dude! I have land that I am sure I could build all over and not have a problem. My neighbors build what they want.
That’s great for you. Really. I’m not being sarcastic. But Mendocino County is pretty much out of reach for most of us.
We specialize in tiny house consulting around the Austin area. We have plenty of land solutions for tiny house dwellers. Do you want country life of city life around Austin while living tiny? Contact us today to get started with a managable financial life. Buy Small, Buy Smart! Buy A Small House Dot Com.
We have an acre and a quarter of land in queen creek Arizona that we are considering tiny home placement on. First we want to gauge the interest. Setting up the property will not be that difficult with driveway to spot with electrical and water. It is a beautiful non developed area. If you are looking to get away from it all, but still be close to towns like Gilbert, chandler and queen creek this is the spot for you. With the building of the 202 freeway you can literally get from our land to sky harbor airport in under an hour easily.
If you have a tiny home and are interested in something like this text me at 602 885 6565. There is a mobile home close to the area and the restrictions are loose.
I am suggesting that someone rent our space, not that we put up a tiny home. Need to clarify that. If you have a tiny home and are looking to place it on your own land in queen creek then contact us. We will rent the spot to you.
Hey Terry,
Are spots still available in Queen Creek?
I’ve got a Tiny House in a mobile home park and looking for more area between my place and the next, yet within biking distance of a grocery store…..
I am looking for a place can contact me via facebook or another means
Does anyone know about Tiny House laws in Michigan? I have a 110′ x 120′ lot in Monroe County..the Twp says it is not “deep enough” to build a house because we have no sewers yet..have to have a Septic Tank and Tile Drain. But with a Composting Toilet..that should solve this problem..right?? I would like to sell the property to someone who wants land for a permanent Tiny Home structure. It is very nice lot with Mature Nut & Berry Trees on a rural paved road. Any Info would be welcome! Thanks!
Not all counties allow composting toilets. Ask them about alternative systems they’ve approved and ask specifically about composting toilets and grey water systems. A grey water system handles the sink, shower, and laundry drains. Another thought is to ask them about self-contained septic systems (like http://envirocycleglobal.com) or engineered septic systems. All that said, they may or may not allow septic systems at all, and instead require a municipal sewer hookup.
If you plan a tiny house on wheels, also be sure to check if its legal there to live in a trailer.
Medford Oregon, my son has a house on property, but I need a place to live and was thinking of putting a tiny home on his property.
Hi I’m James Baccus I live in San Antonio Texas. I am a disabled widower living on a small monthly disability check i live in a junky travel trailer that is falling apart I’ve lived in the same place for 30 years. I am attempting to locate a portable building I can convert to a tiny house I can make small monthly payments and the building doesn’t even have to be that big and the inside doesn’t have to be finished I just need a new house mine is falling apart. Like I said I can make monthly payments but I can not however pay a down payment and the first months rent as well as my check is small at best. I can however make the first months payment as well as every payment until it’s paid in full if you can’t help me due to my limited funds I completely understand and I thank you for your time.
Sincerely Yours
James Baccus
I’ve recently heard of some 20 acre parcels going up for sale specifically for Homesteaders. It seems like it could be practical for a small group of people to invest and hold 5 acres each. They could keep the homes somewhat uniform and pay less for appliances and furnishings using bulk purchases. The lots have no streams or game but the weather is perfect for gardens and catchment/solar systems are allowed. This sounds like a dream to me.
In Multnomah County in the greater Portland, Oregon area we have an area platted around 1907 which has a lot
of 33 1/3′ X 100′ lots with power and water close-by but no sewers and zoned Rural Center which allows both
residential or commercial use and is located in the Burlington area. With a self contained unit it should be possible for many tiny homes. With a side yard set back of 10′ and a front & rear set back of around 25′ they are perfect for a tiny home up to around 13 ‘ x 50’ including decks, patios an d so forth.
I have tried for years to get some interest in this area with no success and George Plummer with Multnomah
County Planning kept stopping me by adding requirements to develop my lots that exceeded $50,000 and were
unecesary so I sold out at a loss after holding the property for over 25 years. My parcel had 13 lots and could
have parked 13 Tiny Homes. Perhaps this will wake up the dead and get the ball rolling and perhaps get Mr.
Plummer removed from his job of stopping housing for the homeless. I had several responses that said
he accepted bribes under the table but I have no proof of that. I hired 2 different land development and
survey companies and spent many thousands of dollars and then he would additional requirements
that were costly and caused both companies to give up and we offered no bribes.
I lived off 82nd and we had a huge lot. I sent all kind of emails to Multnomah County long before they made ADUs legal. I want too homestead. No way could I live on the city. There’s a gal here in Silverton who is building a place. Look her yup and she might have advice. Dana Smith. Her plan is 300,000 per person. They’ve already broken ground. It’s on a side road just off Hwy 214 past Monitor Rd. toward town. Good luck.
so many problems. what, if build a tiny house in the air, where you will not have to pay for the land?
Hot air ballon tiny house?