Adam’s Tiny Solar House Project Begins

Another one of my readers, Adam Waltering of Spokane, Washington, has started to build an 8×16 Tiny Solar House from one of my free house plans. This small house design features a simple shed roof and a tall south facing wall for maximizing solar gain during cold weather. During hot weather the house can be turned around making shade awnings unnecessary. The interior ceiling is high with a loft at one end.
So far Adam has bought the trailer and the first big batch of lumber. He’s also started to lay out the floor framing. Adam plans to live in this home while attending college where he’ll study architecture.
He’s also recording his adventure on a new blog he just setup. You can follow his progress at
The other 8×16 Tiny Solar House that I know about is being built by Bill Brooks who plans to take his up to Alaska for an extended visit. You can see some early progress photos of Bill’s house at Tiny House Blog.
Photo credit Adam Waltering.
Nice to see someone else is making this trailer too. It will be interesting to see how Adam completes his trailer both inside and out. Good luck.