Another News Story On Ben Landry’s Tiny House

Ben Landry is building a tiny house in Binghamton, New York. He’s been really busy working to get the house complete before the weather closes in around him. His brother Jeff sent me a note through the Small House Society Yahoo Group with a bit more information and a link to this video. Sorry for the choppy video quality, the sound track works pretty good though. The original video is here.
As I suspected, in an earlier post, Ben got an exception to build his tiny house on this tiny city lot. The property was once the home of a dry cleaner. After soil clean-up Ben was able to buy the corner lot for just $5000. He’s building on top a slab foundation and taking added vapor barrier precautions just in case there are still toxins in the soil.
I’m hoping that I’ll get the full scoop soon. Jeff confirmed that Ben is really busy trying to his house closed in before winter hits hard. Jeff also pointed me at his website with a couple cool tiny house projects, seems tiny house building runs in their family. Here is their tiny cabin in the woods, and a dome home design. Jeff also told me he’s currently working on a prototype of a foam and concrete dome home, I suspect it’s similar to the dome home design on the website.
If anyone has any tiny house permit approval success stories please pass them on. Most of the questions I get through email are from people searching for ways to legally building a tiny inexpensive home. It’s a bit of a mystery I’m hoping to help shed more light on. What I’m finding is that people are doing it every day, the answers are there, we just need to bring that knowledge together to help empower more people.
Thanks for this great story!
Thanks for passing along the additional info. Nice to hear in the video that as a result of the media coverage, he’s gotten some materials donations.
Thank you for the write up