Introduction to Container Homes & Buildings

Heather Levin over at The Greenest Dollar shared a copy of a new ebook with me that she and Alex Klein recently finished called, Introduction to Container Homes & Buildings. It’s not a complete how-to book (that’s their next book) but it is an excellent overview of building homes from ISBU containers, and Alex is a true expert on the topic. Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this ebook:
- Why ISBUs are one of the most frugal ways to build a home
- What’s possible with ISBU construction
- The benefits of living in an ISBU home (including how much you can save living in these structures)
- How to make your ISBU home look just like any other home
- Roofing options that will save you literally thousands of dollars on your build
- 20 house plans that illustrate what you can do with ISBU containers (plus the build budget for each design)
- Options for insulating your ISBU
- What you’ll face when you go get financing for your ISBU build
- The benefits of using 20′ containers instead of 40′ containers
The ebook is just under 100 pages and costs $9.95. Visit Alex’s blog or The Greenest Dollar to learn more about Introduction to Container Homes & Buildings. Below are three of the 2o floor plans you’ll find in the ebook.
The industry certainly needs more credible detailed information on this subject, then is a ton of “generic information” freely available but very little detailed info that stands up to any sort of real review.
Hopefully this will be a good starting resource for people considering an ISBU home.
container home ,washing and damage repair
I like this alot and would love to see the different floor plans since all the houses today seem to be made from wood. My only concern would be could you insure this? or would it be considered a trailer and have no equity.
If you can buy one of these Containers already converted for around $22k, would you really want to pay through the nose for Insurance? Many people are paying more than this in Rent per year in the coastal States of the USA.
A Container is probably a lot stronger than any Stick Frame Home, is termite proof, and more fire resistant. Earthquake Insurance is a lot extra in any case, for any home.
Another alternative for the handy, for out of town location, is to build a Butt and Pass Log Cabin from green logs. Virtually free timber from a National Forrest (magic word: Homesteading). Could have a 2000′ home for under $40k with four months’ work. The price of a home deposit, and Mortgage (Death-Grip) free for your life. Banksters’ nightmare!
If you live in Tornado Alley, build an Earth Sheltered Home. Much more likely to survive Nature’s worst.
i like to build a centre for the street kids like this it will be wonderful
Bought the book ($12 in 2012) and read it. It was pretty sparse on actual information like how to connect insulation to the container and how to finish the interior. The author mentions welding square tubing to the container for mounting windows, etc, but does not show what it would look like. Mostly it was several pages of “Look what you could do!” — if you already owned land you could build on permanently and had utilities at. Very disappointing in terms of making a small, livable, possibly temporary home.
Nice post!
My wife, daughter, and I are building our first home from shipping containers and writing a book about it as well. At the moment we are keeping our blog updated with daily posts so that people can follow our story. Check it out if you want to follow along with our adventure! We are sponges soaking up info so please comment on our posts! http://www.40×
I all construction whether it be a dog house or a home it takes planning and information. Building and ISBU home is no different . I have designed several home for low income families using ISBU’s. The average person with minimum construction knowledge can build a ISBU home. However with that being said there is huge reason why the industry has not taken off. Insurance to put it in one word. Without insurance no mortgage lender will not touch it. ISBU homes are what a stick construction is not but until some of the leading insurance companies come on board ISBU home will say just cool idea