NOMAD Micro Homes

The NOMAD is a refreshing new modern micro home built in British Columbia. It measures just 10′ x 10′ and is designed to be shipped worldwide. It arrives unassembled and assembly should be completed by at least two people with at least handyman level building skills.
The design can be used for a variety of functions such as a home, studio, office, guest house, resort accommodations, low-income housing, or even as a disaster relief shelter. The interior configuration can be tailored to meet your needs. The systems can also be adapted to meet your needs.
Here’s how they describe the origins of this design:
“NOMADs designer Ian Kent has certainly pushed the size limits of a liveable house. By incorporating an innovative staircase and varying ceiling heights as well as maximizing natural light, Ian was able to prevent this home from being claustrophobic. “I knew that effective design could make a space this size feel comfortable. My goal was to produce an efficient yet cozy home with minimal impact on yard space and the environment”. 35 years of design and home-building experience provided the answers.” – NOMAD Micro Homes.
To learn more about this tiny home builder visit the NOMAD Micro Homes website and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
Looks nice, but I would be scared to death of trying to go up those hanging steps and the open sides next to the bed. If you sleep in one spot and don’t move all night, maybe, but if you are like me and toss and turn and have to use the bathroom a few times a night and stumble to it half asleep, then NO WAY!
You could always make higher woof rails 🙂
…and I couldn’t sleep with my head in that direction either. Who wants to look at a wall….and….. Imagine having to get up and crawl out of bed over someones face to get out of bed!!!
Actually, from what I can see you just crawl over your own pillow to get out of bed, at the head of the bed there is no railing and standing room. Both walls are all windows on either side of the bed as well, so you are looking out a window in either direction, and the low part of the ceiling is at your feet. If you toss a lot, I could see stubbing your toe at night on a guard rail or the ceiling even. As for the steps, I would want to see the load bearing on those steps, but worst case scenario you could get some industrial brackets at Walmart for 10.00 each that look pretty good, are painted white, and hold 300 lbs a piece without breaking. For me the issue would be simply that I need desk space, but that could be fixed by re-decorating the ‘living room’. Love the design, I have an 8×12 flooring area I just framed up, I might build something like this on that frame rather than add to my 8×16 current home 🙂
Thanks, Paul, for your thoughtful reply!
Regarding the unique design of NOMAD’s open-riser stairs, they’re deceptively light but they’re supported supported on the wall with structural steel angles and hung from a floor beam using structural steel rods. Unquestionably secure. And it’s unclear on the rendering, but there is a wall-mounted handrail as an added safety measure. We think that stairs are more convenient and more homey than using a ladder to access the sleeping loft.
Wishing you luck with your own (second) tiny house build! 🙂
How would this type of construction fare in a rain forest? I am considering a tiny home on the island of Hilo where it rains often, stainless steel rusts and plastic molds. Any ideas?
Almost forgot… we’ve been looking at coffee tables that convert to dining table height. Speaking from experience, one of these would definitely be useful in the living room as a desk since we both work from opposite ends of our own dining room table! 😉
How do you make the bed? It does look good but I think it is only for the young and agile.
Why make the bed at all? Who’s going to see it? Or if it must be made “more tidy” then simply folding the blankets should suffice. ; )
I love this house. But I would have to agree with ‘poster’ Beth. It is not made for older people in mind. The steps are pretty scary.
You know it is not just the younger generation that are interested in footprints, we geezers are too. We just don’t want to break our necks in the process.
We hear you loud and clear, Susan! We’ve already been brainstorming a 12′ x 12′ model AND, more importantly, a two-bedroom single-level NOMAD bungalow that’d be roughly 680 sq. ft. in size. A little on the large side as far as tiny homes are concerned, but we’re eager to address the strong demand for an affordable two-bedroom home. Stay tuned!
There are a lot of us ‘seniors’ who are looking to Tiny or Small homes. Would love to see the two bedroom. As a ‘mature’ woman, with some back issues and arthritis, I can tell you that to have a bath (even a ‘wet one) that allows for easy movement… reaching down for the feet without the hindy or head hitting the sink/wall.. and being able to dry off without our hands hitting the wall is something we consider… ViTaL.!! (our master bath shower is small so I use the hall bathtub for my showers). Another issue for seniors….utility area in our home (stackable ones are fine – both front loaders if possible). Also, for many of us, we have enough medications or special diet issues, that a full size refrigerator (or back in my young days, it would be called an ‘apartment size’… smaller than a normal home one but twice as big as the ‘under counter ones). I don’t know how it might affect the usage or design of the ‘living area’, but many seniors (again health) need recliners .. and sometimes those take up more room than a single couch (unless they are built into the couch). As far as storage, if the stairs were enclosed (for those homes with two stories), they are a great place for storage. Living in an older manufactured home when we were first married, they built in a dresser in the small second bedroom and the closet in the master bedroom had drawers where the floor would be in a ‘normal’ closet… and cupboards in the empty space overhead. For only 500 sq ft we had a lot of storage. Closets are needed, but can also be a waste. A friend took a long dress… measure and that is the hanging space they used. This allows for better use of the floor space and the overhead. In my next home.. and maybe even this one..regardless of where it is, I will have the closets all remodel to do just that. As far as the windows go, I would love to see ones that opened in the upstairs. Unless the temps drop below 32, we always have our bedroom window open… it would also help create great air flow on those warm days/nights. I know you spoke about the addition of something (forgot what) to aid in protecting the windows on warm days. Some form of awing over the windows and door that could be retracted when desired.. put out in bad weather… would be nice. One last thought.. I have seen video’s and pictures of companies (many over in Japan) where they do a lot of – well almost Murphy Bed type walls/units that allow for things like extra sleeping for guest… or the regular bed in a small space. Fold up the bed when not in use.. slide the furniture over at night time. I have seen kitchens and even couchs, tables, desk, etc. on movable walls or sections. One had the main items of a kitchen against the wall. The movable wall would open up, revealing more counter space and/or bar/table. When done with a meal.. close it up allowing the living area to be larger. Other space savers… a desk or table top that folded up or down into the wall. Pull up/down when wishing to use.. put back when done. I realize that this type of thing would most likely be totally inpractical for a Tiny Home, but maybe to consider for the Small two bedroom home. As far as this home goes…. if I were in my 20-40, it would be ideal (although I would change the bed some. But the windows.. and the ability to open the top/bottom for air flow and to protect from the sun when needed, I totally love. I have never been a fan of open stairs, but putting my own personal fear aside, I do like them. They are very nice looking. The home looks very comfortable and someplace a single person could easily enjoy. So keep up the good work. I have played around with ‘what if you did this or that’ in picturing homes (big and small) all of my life, so I know how hard it is to achieve something that is very practical but ‘with a home’ feel and yet meets all of a certain age groups needs. As I have grown older and had accidents and health issues that have changed my mobility, my needs in a home have changed but I keep trying to find something that will work for me. So, keep at it. And each time I see this home, I wish I were younger. ha ha (^_^) Have a wonderful year- one filled with a lot of creative ideas.
From another old geezer, have to add that I love this house and I also wish I were younger when I look at it. I don’t think I could make the bed~ but certainly would do my best.
I love the openness. But not the steps and I would add more storage.
I agree about the possible danger of those stairs but I had a thought regarding extra storage. Perhaps each step could be a few inches thick allowing the construction of a drawer on the under side of each step. My problem would be my shoes. Lol
Marie- I love your idea about the drawers under the steps- it’s brilliant! As far as the stairs go- at almost 60 years of age I can still crawl up stairs. One thing I have found is “use it or loose it”- climbing stairs on a regular basis can help keep you strong and agile. Of course if you have mobility issues to begin with, then it would be hard/impossible. But I think a relatively spry senior could make this work. Or- simply have the sofa be a hide-a bed or futon and sleep downstairs, save the upstairs for storage.
Lovely design and kudos to the NOMAD design team. This is one of the most well-designed small, prefab homes I have seen.
Hi Marie!
NOMAD offers 2 deep drawers under the first two steps as an add-on. Great for shoes!
What a lovely, airy design in such a small space! 10 x 10 is the perfect size for our area, as we need a building permit for anything bigger. Will keep this in mind when the time comes to build our tiny cottage!
Hello, Heather… thank you SO much for the wonderful feedback!
You’re absolutely right: our initial 10′ x 10′ model was designed precisely because most municipalities require a building permit for anything larger. We’d love to design a NOMAD for you when the timing’s right for you. Please keep us posted!
Ooohhhh, i’m in LOVE!!
Thanks, Kari… we heart you right back! 😀
Agree with Beth about the bed; would rather have it placed where the dressers are. And there’s no shower/tub so guess it only accommodates sponge baths.
Howdy, Lee.
We opted to place the bed in the lower ceiling area to maximize storage potential against the higher wall. There’s also enough head room to put on your socks and underwear while sitting on the bench, and a built-in clothes closet is located in the far corner of the higher ceiling area. Unfortunately, the door to this closet is not shown on the rendering.
NOMAD does include a wet bathroom with a hand shower on the wall and a drain in the floor… so no need for a sponge bath unless you like being pampered!
Great design!
Virtual fist bump… thanks, Michael!
Does the designer understand that those windows will cause this thing to heat up like a car on a sunny day? Or a warm cloudy day?
Good observation Tad!
As conscious sustainable designers, we’ve addressed this issue in the same way as many LEED Certified condo projects that have large windows and great views. Sliding louvered screens, one of NOMAD’s listed website options, can be added to the exterior face of the large window and moved across the opening accordingly. So, depending on the weather and the inside temperature at any given moment, shade or sun can easily be selected. NOMAD also uses its lower and upper opening windows for cooling by natural convection.
I see the toilet and sink…where does one bathe?
Hello, Kim 🙂
Wish that it was clearer on the floor plan—NOMAD incorporates what’s called a wet bathroom. There’s a shower on the same wall as the sink, and water drains out through a conventional floor drain.
I’ve seen “wet” bathrooms throughout Europe. In essence, the whole bathroom turns into a shower when you turn it on.
This is an impressive design.
The renders look good too! LOL
Oh. Where does one bathe? It might be a bit brisk on the mighty shores of British Columbia…
We’ve had the warmest, driest summer on record here in British Columbia, but it’d certainly be brisk in mid-January, that’s for sure! It’s not super clear on the renderings, but NOMAD features a wet bathroom with toilet, sink, and shower all in one room.
Oops… we replied to your shower inquiry first. So P.S…. big thanks for the positive comments!
This was such a brilliant good-morning surprise for our NOMAD team—huge tiny-home thanks to Tiny House Design! It’s truly an honour to be featured in such a wonderful blog post as well as on your Facebook page and to receive such an overwhelmingly positive response thus far. We’re completely thrilled to be taking our first steps into the Tiny House-verse and would be honoured to have all of you along for the ride as we begin the construction process of our very first NOMAD.
LOVE the design. Happy to spread the word. Be sure to let us know how things progress and we’d welcome guest posts from you too.
We’ll definitely keep you in the loop, Michael, and it’d be an incredible privilege to write guest posts on how our construction process is coming along. Super excited!
Have you thought to put combination toilet /showers like they have in some trailers and motor homes.
Hi Mary! As noted above, it may not be clear on the renderings but even the base model NOMAD comes complete with a three-piece wet bathroom: toilet, sink, and shower all in one space. 🙂
Needs another way to get to the loft. Climbing up over the counter-tops and sink is a bad idea.
Thanks for your comment, Sparky. You may have noticed that most tiny houses use a ladder to access their sleeping lofts. NOMAD wants the journey to the upper level to be safer than a ladder, so it provides a actual stair with a wall-mounted handrail… safer and more home-like!
Cleanliness is hugely important in any home, especially in a tiny house. We’re pretty accustomed to removing our shoes when we step inside our own home, and we’d assume that this practice would be even more common among tiny house dwellers.
I’m excited to see the 12×12 model!!!
Us too, Nissa 😉
Thanks for your support!
I don’t see a shower?
Hello, Sharon… thanks for your question.
As noted in both the comments and on our website, NOMAD incorporates what’s called a wet bathroom: there’s a toilet, sink, and shower all in one space, and water drains out through a conventional floor drain.
I would suggest adding two windows on ‘back’ wall – one in bathroom and one in kitchen area. Or, a pass-thru window over the stove for easy access to grill outside. I image venting cooking/bathroom smells is hugely important in such small spaces.
Absolutely love the stream-lined contemporary feel and HUGE windows/high ceilings. Well done guys!
Are the shipping prices to the u.s available? Specifically to Austin Tx
Hi Tammy! We’re working on getting a slate of shipping prices together for various destinations across North America and should have some more specific info for you by tomorrow morning if not by day’s end. Please check back… thanks!
Hi Tammy,
The cost to ship 1 NOMAD Micro Home by flat-bed truck to your location would be: $4,200 CA, plus customs and taxes.
Love, love, love this. I think that reeeeeally tiny homes such as this have two distinct markets:
1) young, agile adults, pre-family or childless.
2) empty nesters, still active and spunky, but realistically, less agile.
Looking forward to seeing future designs with a bedroom on the main level. For that matter, I wonder how tiny something can be made that is also ADA compliant. It would be a bummer to “sell the farm” for your dream tiny house, only to find that, down the line, your health forced you back out. Over the last few years, I’ve watched my grandparents’ journeys…just a thought.
Hi Cora,
Thanks for your comments respecting the needs of seniors. We’re currently designing a 1-bedroom bungalow with the option for additional bedrooms and bathrooms that can be added as required. And yes, it would certainly be designed to accommodate seniors and persons in wheelchairs.
Overall I like this design a lot and in the space a wet room is the way to go. There are a couple of issues though. Its great to have the kitchen but unless you like TV trays there is no where to eat. How about dispensing with the coffee table and having a small fold down dining table attached to the wall under the TV. The stairs are an issue. I would fill them in and make them more conventional. I know the intention is to make things as light as possible but sometimes function has to winout. You can always add another window above the stairs to compensate light wise. Finally the bed, I agree with the other comments, crawling out backwards is not practical, even more so if there are two people in it. Unless there are height regulations as well it can’t cost that much to raise the roof a foot or two and swap the pillows to the other end of the bed? Or change the roof pitch to as close to flat as will still allow the rain to run off?
Great comments, Simon!
A fold-down table below the TV for eating and working is a fantastic idea, and we’ll be adding it to our list of options. A coffee table could remain as the space under the coffee table provides invaluable storage and, if correctly sized, could be used as a seat while at the desk.
Regarding the stair design, we’ve included the option for two large drawers under the first two risers. The upper treads need to be slimmer in order to maximize the space over the kitchen counter below.
We opted to show the head of the bed where it is in the rendering because this part of the sleeping loft has the greater headroom—you wouldn’t want to bang your head if you had to get up suddenly. And it also provide easier access to the bed by simply sliding in or out over the pillow. NOMAD’s roof is pitched for higher space at one end to maximize clothing storage and provide better height to access the bed. You can even sit on the bench at this end while putting on your socks and underwear!
Love it except for making the bed. After years of making cramped bunkbeds I want a bed I can make without sitting on top of it. 🙂 Beautiful, light and airy though!!
Do you just get the plans, or the actual house boxed up and sent like IKEA does? And why am I not seeing a price?
Hi Racheal—thanks for your questions.
You’ll see on our website and on Tiny House Design’s blog post that each NOMAD is shipped to our purchasers flat-pack style and arrives ready for assembly. If you click the Purchase tab on our website at, you’ll see specific pricing for the NOMAD Space and Live models. The off-grid NOMAD Zero involves more comprehensive customization options, and we issue quotes individually based on specific site requirements.
Love this idea! In the bathroom it would be a nice space saver to incorporate the toilet with a built in sink on top. I have seen them in certain applications for small homes. And it would make taking a shower in a wet bathroom easier, as it would provide a bit more space to move around.
I love your stair/ shelf idea! Great design!!!
Another thought concerning the design of the bathroom is that it would seem to make sense on both practicality and building costs to have the bathroom fixtures and the kitchen sink be back to back on a common wall. That might also allow for more storage alternatives above the respective sinks, as well as the plumbing being more centralized and sharing common shut-off valves for maintenance. And I agree that a fold-down table/desk would make a lot more sense than a coffee table. Maybe tuck it in under the stairway along with some built-storage in the corner and under the stairs. And in my world the loveseat would be replaced by at least one recliner. Had a short couch/loveseat once, swore I would never have another one, give me a good recliner any day!
Great suggestions, Larry!
We explored back-to-back plumbing as a first consideration; however, 10 x 10 didn’t allow it to work as nicely.
A recliner may also provide you with more space in the living area.
Love it!
I’d put my head at the other end of the bed, plenty of headroom.
I also like the idea of windows and/or vents in the bathroom & by the stove.
Cross breeze & ventilation are important to me. I’d hope the bedroom window opens.
All in all, Awesome!!
As an older, creakier adult, I think I’d have an easier time with those stairs than a ladder. The hanging posts would be handholds for the higher ones, and some sort of handholds could be attached to the walls for the lower steps. I had also thought about making drawers under the steps.
A coffee table with a top that raises up to desk/dining height would be great. A loveseat with a pullout sleeper would even allow the occasional guest.
I looked at this yesterday and have been thinking about it. It’s a really well thought-out little house.
Great minds think alike, Jana!
It’s not highlighted on the plans, but there is a wall-mounted handrail along the stairs for added safety. And we do offer the option of two large drawers under the first two risers. The upper treads need to be slimmer in order to maximize the space over the kitchen counter below.
You and Simon above you are on the same wavelength. A fold-down table below the TV for eating and working is a fantastic idea, and we’ll be adding it to our list of options. A coffee table could remain as the space under the coffee table provides invaluable storage and, if correctly sized, could be used as a seat while at the desk. For those who don’t opt for the fold-down table, we’ve also looked at several models of convertible coffee/dining/work tables that would fit nicely here.
Last but not least, we sojourned to IKEA as part of our reconnaissance efforts and measured out a couple of different pullout sofas that are perfectly sized for this space.
Hmm… have you ever considered a career as a designer, Jana? Great design sense!
I like this. A lot. There’s a fantastic amount of light and openness. You could always do other furniture layouts on the main floor to suit your needs. The stairs seem fine to me, especially with a handrail as described on the Nomad site. The only thing I might add would be either a skylight over the bed or a shed roof dormer with another window so you could do some sky watching without turning your head.
Thanks Alice!
Skylights are always easy to install and provide great ambience. However, you do have to get used to the pitter patter of rain at night and getting up when with the sun each morning.
Love the design. Love the steps. Love the open-air feel.
Looking forward to seeing a completed version, and also excited to see what you have in store for the future.
I like the design, however, I’m looking for something small and affordable for my daughter who is pregnant. Do you design anything that is still very small and affordable but safe for a small child.
Hi Tracy!
Thanks for your inquiry!
A NOMAD can definitely be toddler-friendly. Baby or child can sleep in a crib, or hide-a-bed on the main floor with a gate ensuring that they don’t use the stairs. There are many types of gates on the market that are easy to operate and many people use them with good success.
Dear friends,
Don’t let some bourgeois types scare you away from that great idea with the access to upstairs…kills me how people are so timid, while this is a wonderful design idea!
It may LOOK scary – but only to people without engineering sense…
I would love to dance up there, especially stepping on the storage unit as a step!! 🙂
Remind people of their need to exercise – and to use the steps as measure of their fittness! Safety is NO problem here – that is clear for anyone with a design mind ( I am a designer …) so, more power to you!
One note: The rails along the bedsides should be softened /rounded, and simply a little oversized to make it seem safer up there…
Booyah, Christian… so fantastic to wake up to amazing comments like yours!
As we’ve been saying on our Facebook page, “Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.” (Yoko Ono) In the end, we realize that no design is meant to please everybody, and it’s usually the things that matter that spark debate.
Good call on the rounded, augmented railings. We’d definitely join you up there for a dance. 😉
Virtual fist bump to you, design brotha’!
I would omit the open area of floor and larger window on the second floor and turn the bed 90 degrees clockwise with the foot back to the ex window wall. This would make bed entry easier and add extra space in the lowest part of the room to have storage alongside the bed.
I keep coming back to look at this again. I guess a sign of innovative design is that it fires the imagination of those looking at it. The sloped roof could hold PV cells for solar, but the house would be better designed for passive solar if the orientation were changed slightly so that the southern wall was both the shortest, for the roof pitch needed for PV cells, and the wall with the most glass for passive solar gain. A simple awning or pergola could shade the southern windows to keep out the high summer sun but allow in the lower winter sun. In the south, we’d plant deciduous trees on the west and southern sides to further keep out the summer sun.
This design is really a lot of fun to think about.
Would prefer to have head of bed at tallest point of wall with nightstand-beds are for more than sleeping.Want to be able to swing feet out of bed and put on stair?Possible storage drawers under bed?Drawers that pull out. Rail on bed by stairs should swing up and down mounted so could be used as additional handrail.Sink above toilet.Small window in kitchen,that area is too dark.-reverse sink and cooktop.Microwave with vent hood above cooktop.Love the build.
This is not for everyone. So if it is not for you, don’t slam it. You move on and find what is right for you as with any home. I think it is classy and amazing. It reminds me of a Tree House and I love those modern stairs and the deck. Great job!
Amen to that, Pamela!
Laura of the tiny house blog put it so aptly in her recent post entitled “Please Don’t Yuck My Yum”. In her words, “What is horrid to you is delightful to someone else. Taste is subjective and your opinion on the matter doesn’t make it universally bad.”
For good or for bad, however, we’re infinitely grateful for all the new channels of discussion that have opened up to us—discourse fuels creativity! Thanks so much for your kind comments; always great to connect with a kindred design spirit.
Easily one of the best tiny house designs I’ve seen, and I love the stairs. At 58 years old I would have no problem with those stairs. Stairs help keep one fit. And these stairs add a very nice visual appeal to the home. Price?
Such a refreshing attitude—love it!
Huge thanks for your comments. Please click through to the Pricing page on our website for more specific information. Note that price quotes for our off-grid NOMAD Zero model are individually issued based on site-specific considerations.
Don’t hesitate to let us know if there are any further questions that we can answer for you. 🙂
What a nice tiny house design. I appreciate the sense of openness. I do however, agree with many of your visitors’ concerns about accessing the loft as well as navigating the bed .
In an attempt to dispel those concerns I have five suggestions for the bed area:
1. If possible, extend the platform by a little more than 4” on each side to replace the in-substantial bed rails with 3 / 4”x 4” wood posts on either side of the bed which would be firmly attached:
• to the wall
• to the loft platform floor
• and to the middle of the platform sides.
These posts could be stained to match the laminate flooring to add uniformity, painted to match the walls or painted to add color, covered with tiles by the homeowner to add both color and texture.
I would attach the posts to the wall end @ 4” down from where the ceiling meets the wall if possible and that space would dictate the height of each post. I would insert 2 / 1”x 4” wood shelves between the posts to create a more secure lateral support and attach the first on top of the posts, or between and flush with the posts to create a substantial rail. This rail can also act as a counter to rest items on while in bed, and provides a platform for attaching a small lamp for reading in bed.
The second shelf I would attach between the posts, far enough down the posts to insert and attach 4” glass wall blocks between the posts (as will permit ( space-wise) leaving an open space between the blocks for air circulation and having the blocks secured to the second 1” x 4” shelf. The glass block will a solid sense of enclosure and support but still filter light. It will also make a safer bed for younger children.
2. Below this shelf and between these three posts, on the bed platform could be added additional storage in the form of recessed boxes that have drop down lids with drilled holes for level lift-off access. At the head of the bed on both sides, this cover could have one end with a cup holder size recessed but solid hole for holding a soda can or bottle or glass of water, a feature appreciated by those who like to eat in bed but don’t want spills on the mattress or an accident that ends up on the furniture below. This storage space could keep paperbacks, Kleenex, rolled socks, night- time meds, flashlight and batteries for power outages etc. all within easy reach and out of sight.
3. The second suggestion would be to incorporate a good sized skylight above the bed that:
• vents,
• is screened and
• has a louvered shade
• and a drop out or removable insulated cover for summer use but can be inserted in the winter to increase heat retention.
• This would add additional height,
• decrease claustrophobia for those of us who sleep with an open window above the bed,
• and increase controllable light to the whole house.
4. To address the navigational concerns of older owners or those with arthritis or have restricted movement, making the bed would be easier with a comforter/duvet style option. Obviously this is something the homeowner would have to make or acquire for themselves. I make duvets that fit over the sides of the mattress, but do not need to be tucked in. The duvet is sewn up the sides on one end only @ 10”, enough to act as an envelope for the comforter, keeping it from shifting. On the underside of the duvet bottom, (facing the mattress), I sew alternating pieces of like-colored Velcro pieces to the duvet. This should be the hook side of the Velcro as the duvet will be laundered less often than the top sheet. I alter the size of the top sheet to be 1” less than the duvet sides and bottom, sewing the fuzzy side of the Velcro to the top of the top sheet, to match the Velcro sewn on the duvet. This allows the sheet to be washed more often without attaching to your other clothes in the washer.
The duvet and the top sheet then come together like a sandwich. The length of the sheet should extend at the head several inches beyond the duvet to be turned back over the duvet. For the duvet itself, considering the logistical constraints of movement on the bed platform, the end that is sewn up the sides would be the head of the bed, the other three sides would be seamed and at equal intervals, sew on several banded pieces of duvet material or contrasting material in the form of a strap @ 1 ½” wide, hemmed on each side and ends by ¼” ; sewn to the underside of the duvet edge, and about 3 – 4” long per strap (depends on thickness of comforter as good down will have more loft ) . Attach several straps to the sides and to the foot end of the underside of the duvet. On the topside of the duvet, where the straps will meet, sew dots of Velcro. One piece gets sewn to the strap, one piece to the top of the duvet. This arrangement allows you to pull the whole duvet/comforter towards you as you stand at the head of the bed, allowing you to attach a clean sheet, or remove the duvet entirely for washing.
5. Because I agree with many of your site visitors that the stairs to the loft lack a secure/safe rail on the open side, with the addition of the 4 x 4 posts, this can be altered by adding a solid wood rail from the attached floor post to an additional post beside the kitchen cabinet below. Between and below these post, not interfering with the wired stair supports, one could now add tension wire sides to further support the sides of the stairs extending down from post to post.
I might suggest a couple of options for the living room that would enhance the small space and the ability to have company. Adding an appropriately sized Murphy bed to the wall behind the couch would allow for a full sized bed to drop down. On the front side of the Murphy bed one could attach a drop down desk for writing and computer work. Adding detail to the room side of the Murphy bed could be permanently installed pictures in frames above the recessed desk and appropriately recessed trim to enhance the space when the bed is in the up position.
I agree the sofa takes up too much space. Easy chairs like the Eaze white or warm colored Palisander chair and ottoman would provide comfortable modern seating and movable flexibility. If you do not do the Murphy bed, there are purchasable chair-beds that have a fold-out , single- size mattress. Finding one that is also comfortable to sit on as a chair, however, is the challenge.
Instead of the coffee table which eats up floor space and provides little utility, I would include two storage boxes on wheels with a drop down recessed, padded lid to house extra bedding or books/ games etc. with a solid wood top that just fits over both boxes like a bed tray’s legs and lifts entirely off the boxes, but provides a coffee table when placed on top. The table can be place on the floor in front of the window, and used as a low table, when the storage boxes are being used as footstools.
Additionally, there is not much storage or counter space in the kitchenette, understandably. To solve that, I suggest creating a rolling storage cabinet that has two equidistant sides, which when closed, would comfortably fit below the TV and within the footprint of that wall. This will allow the cabinet to be moved when using the Murphy bed or rolled out to a deck when cooking outside. Connect one end of the cabinet to the other with an appropriately sized piano hinge. Add storage shelves on the inside of the cabinets as needed with a 1” x 1” trim board added to the front of each shelf so items do not shift when the cabinets are opened and closed. This trim can be plain or fancy as style dictates. The cabinets should have a lock closure on the end that keeps the two sides firmly closed when not in use. Dishware, mixing bowls, platters, mixers, blenders, canned goods and baking supplies can be stored in this cabinet. When the two sides are closed, all are unseen.
The height of the cabinet will depend on whether the Murphy bed has a drop down desk/ table. If that feature is not utilized, the height of the cabinet can be table height for those with a priority for a desk, or counter height for those whose priority is ease in cooking.
The top can be butcher block, solid wood, or stone as desired. On both top-sides of the counters, facing out, add a drop down table leaf. This allows the cabinet to act as a table or bar when opened and minimizes the floor space used, when closed.
Depending on which height you chose, you could get folding wooden chairs or bar chairs and drill holes in the wooden top rail to be attached to a blank wall with wooden knobs that have been drilled into the walls. This allows removing them from needed floor space when not in use, much like the Shakers did in times past.
Thanks for your thoughtful suggestions Bernadette! I’m certain that many of our followers will find them very useful when planning their own NOMAD interiors.
Another idea. It would be great if the door to the outside was a pocket or sliding door.
Clever design, but truely dangerous stairs that clearly ignore code requirements and safety. I only scanned a few comments, but it looks like a lot of folks agree that the bed design and bass-akwards approach to the bed is problematic. The photos also do not match the floor plans. Namely – what happened to the closet?
Maybe the code requirements are not in effect because it is a “knock-down” piece of “furniture” and not a “house”. I hope the designers product liability insurance policy is paid up. It seems that more manufacturers are sued for faulty products than for faulty housing.
Don’t plan shipping it to the US until you get the bugs worked out.
Oh, you know us Canadians. We’re known worldwide for our ignorance, negligence, and shoddy workmanship.
Firstly, because NOMAD is designed for international shipping (specifically the USA), it meets the requirements of the International Building Code. NOMAD’s upper level is located between the ceiling joists and the rafters and is defined as an “Attic”. The code allows for pretty much any form of access to attics, and most tiny homes use a ladder, or a pull-down set of stairs, similar to a ship’s ladder. As noted in previous posts, the use of a ladder is common to access the sleeping lofts or attic areas in many tiny homes due to space considerations. NOMAD has tried to approach attic access differently using larger stair treads with better spacing than a ship’s ladder and a secure wall-mounted handrail to enhance safety.
As for the bed, it is certainly shown in the correct position for ease of access. It’s really quite simple: slipping directly in from the head of the bed where there’s 4′ of headroom is much easier than crawling to the opposite end first with only 2′ of headroom. But, quite frankly, if someone really wants to make their bed the other way, it’s completely up to them.
When we created the rendering, the space which is now a closet was originally intended for water storage. After making improvements to the design, this space became useable storage and is now available as a closet. Industry standard dictates that floor plans trump artist’s renderings when it comes to layout.
NOMAD does carry liability insurance; however, no more and no less than what a regular house builders would carry, as we are really just building a “house” that is built to code… just a little smaller than usual.
A great deal of care and consideration went into designing NOMAD as it does with a home of any scale. The NOMAD team is invested in our tiny home journey for the long haul, and the safety and happiness of each one of our homeowners will always be of primary concern.
I’m an older tiny house appreciator and I have to say I do like this plan. I was wondering about some kind of mini blind inside the thermo-pane window panels,….but thinking out loud, gotta think those would be pricey. An exterior louver/blind could add a cool design element.
I like the look of the stairs, Perhaps some kind of a railing on the opposite (interior) side as well, that carries up into the loft would give a greater sense of security when using the stairs. Wondering if one of those stainless wire railing systems would work?
Also agree that opening windows on both sides of the kitchen corner, and one in the bath would be great additions.
Any thought on air conditioning these in a cost effective way?
I am also interested in shipping to Austin , TX.
Brian C.
Hi Brian,
You’re right about the cost of the mini blinds installed inside the glazing units. Regular blinds mounted to the inside face may be less expensive option. NOMAD does offer louvered aluminum screens that slide across the exterior face of the window that also act as a security grille when NOMAD is unoccupied.
There are many railing ideas that could be implemented by a NOMAD owner for the outside of the stair. I guess it depends on the individual to some extent. Many people don’t realize that your head is actually 2 feet above the top floor when you step on the tread at counter-height—after that the edge of the floor starts to act as a guard.
Extra windows can certainly be ordered if you wish.
Air conditioning can also be added, but NOMAD is already set up nicely for passive cooling. When the lower and upper windows are open, air travels through the unit via natural convection. With the addition of sun screens, this kind of passive cooling can be quite effective. Furthermore, the windows are double glazed with “Low-e” glass and are Argon gas-filled to maximize performance.
I will get back to you with a shipping cost to Austin Texas.
where is the shower?
It’s not readily apparent on the floor plan, but NOMAD has what’s called a wet bathroom: there’s a handheld shower on the same wall as the sink in the bathroom, and water drains out through a conventional floor drain.
Love this design! Here’s an idea about the awkward entrance into bed over the pillows…What about if the loft was built askew? The open area by the window could be a triangle shape rather than rectangle, so if the bed still sat as it is now, there would be a triangle of floor next to the left side of the bed that you could step down on to, that extended about half way down the length of the bed. And with just a slight alteration, you could actually enter the right side of the bed from the second stair from the top, rather than from over the pillow. I too am anxious to see what else you come up with. Keep up the good work!
Interesting suggestion L J! We’ll take this under consideration.
Love at first sight, NOMAD. And with all of the exact right customizations including off-grid, you make it nearly impossible for me to even consider any other design plans.
Trading the living room space for an office, I have a specific desk that I’m almost willing to design a house around rather than the other way. It’s a large corner workspace at 4.5′ x 4.5′, 15″ deep, and a little over 6′ high. It seems like it would fit snuggly in the corner between the door and window, although it would cover most or all of the large windowpane. Is that an accurate measurement of the allotted space?
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your your kind comments!
Your desk might fit if one side is against the bathroom wall and the other side projecting into the center of the room. This still leaves space to access the kitchen and bathroom while keeping the window unobstructed. It would only work if the back side of your desk is finished. If not, you could try adding material to it, or finish it yourself. Keeping the upper shelves open to both sides would be good.
I’m puzzled why whn one considers the shortage of floor area you opted to leave a sizeable part of the second floor open. What is the advantage?
Hi Doug,
This is what makes NOMAD feel so homey! The ceilings on the lower floor are only 7 feet so breaking them up like this provides adds a lot to the livability of both the lower and upper levels. That being said, this space could easily be filled in by the owner if they wanted.
I would LOVE to live in this! Only, mine would have to have two lofts, one for my daughters
Is this house available commercially? If so how much in USD? [email protected]
Hi Kathleen,
The NOMAD prototype is currently in it’s engineering, construction and testing stage. However, limited pre-production pricing ranging between $25 and $28,000 CAN is available now and can be found on our website at:
Wow! I may have finally found my solution to a small, yet open feeling home that is affordable. (And, what makes it more affordable than anything is not having to hire a General Contractor or the need to pour a foundation). The single unit may be to small for me though, as I love music and have a wonderful stereo system that needs a bit more space. Your webpage shows that two units can be connected – how does that work? Does the space from the two unites flow well into each other; or would it simply be a door into another room. I am thinking the Space and Live unites would work well together. Or, might you have other ideas?
Hi Jim,
You’re right on track. Live and Space fit together back-to-back and are interconnected via an archway between the kitchen and the bathroom. If you add three together, you get 100 s.f. for the cost of a roof and one wall. See the Gallery section of our website for these configurations.
While you’re at it please register on the front page so we can keep you updated.
All the best!
Nice design! Some suggestions though:
– Raise it at least by a couple of feet. The head space is not enough on the second level. Nobody wants to crawl out the bed.
– As an option, would be good to have bamboo walls on both sides of the bed – that would feel safer, give more privacy and charm. Same bamboo poles can extend down the stairway for better safety. Hand railings are also good to have.
– With the ceiling raised, one can put a TV at the foot wall of the bed.
– Another nice option – a skylight window above the bed.
– With the TV moved upstairs, one can possibly put a small wood stove downstairs at the wall where the TV is presently located.
are normal doors available versus glass doors…for ssecurity reasons…love the design just want to be able to secure entrance when home…also is it possible to assemble alone and does applainces come with kit or purchased separately…another question..i wish to go off the grind…are those systems available or will i have to build them separately
Hi there. Guess it’s not available for other countries… Right? Like Brazil.
How about the SW USA
We deliver worldwide. So that would be a yes.
how much I would need to pay in europe?
Costs for shipping to Europe seems to be in the range of $3,000 – $4,000 USD
I want one on wheels i love to travel so staying in different places with my own little house would be fantastic. please send info on costs and everything for one on wheels. i just need it with 2 separate beds for myself and my son.
thanks cant wait!!
Hi Karen,
Thanks for your interest in NOMAD. Sorry, NOMAD only comes flat packed and ready for home-assembly, similar to an Ikea program. Unfortunately, NOMAD’s height and width wouldn’t work under the highway overpasses and lane width. However, we’re developing a design that will, so if you stay tuned to our website (register for updates) we’ll let you know when it’s ready.
hi, im from chile, and i want to make a tinyhouse like this one, you cant send it to chile? and how much costs the tiny house and the shipping?
Hi Josefina,
We can ship NOMAD worldwide, so sending one to you in Chile is certainly possible. Costs would range between $3,000 – $4,000 USD. Pricing for the various models can be found on the Pricing page of the website.
We love your concept!
Does the shipping cost you mention (3000-4000 $) also include tax costs?
Anne & Johan, Norway
IAN, The nomad micro is just a little too small but i am looking for a small home with total living area no larger than 1300 sq ft. Does nomad have something like this? If not is there a partner designer you may know?
I will definitely be purchasing a Nomad in the near future. What is the estimated shipping cost to Australia?
Thank you
Hello Ian,
I’m Not a fan of stairs, is there a way of laying the loft & main floor side by side?
I’m Looking at a main, 2 lofts and a grow. I want to do this in Calgary, AB off the grid as much as possible.
Do you offer a payment plan as I’m a single mom and funds are SUPER TIGHT!!!
I look forward to hearing from you soon Ian,
Have a super day!!!
Hi Ian,
The house concept is fantastic and i think i want to buy a couple couple.How much would it cost to send to New Zealand,cheers
This is just a wonderful example of how everything necessary for life can fit just in a few square meters. I would really like to buy such a house, because it looks very comfortable. It would be interesting to learn about two things related to this house: 1) Is it cold to live in it in winter?
And since I work in the field of air conditioning, I would be interested to learn how difficult it is to introduce a modern air conditioning system in this house? I would love to hear your answer! Thank you for sharing such great and interesting ideas!