Tiny House Move to Chico

Tammy & Logan are moving to Chico today from Red Bluff. That’s not a terribly long haul but moving a tiny house requires some preplanning and checklist-making. In a nutshell it goes something like this:
- Find a new place to park & live. It doesn’t need to be land you own, but make sure it’s a spot that’s legal for you to park & live. Listen to Tammy’s podcast on their experience with finding land to live on.
- Make your todo lists and batten down the hatches.
- Pull it with a big pickup.
- Position it, ideally with an electric power dolly.
- Reconnect your utilities.
- Make new friends and explore your new surroundings.
For all the details on moving and tiny house living visit the Rowdykittens website.
Also see Tammy’s books, for example You Can Buy Happiness (and It’s Cheap). You can find the ebook version here.
“Once, Tammy Strobel and her husband were living a normal middle-class lifestyle: driving two cars, commuting long distances, and living well beyond their means. Now they are living the voluntary downsizing — or smart-sizing — dream.
In this book Strobel combines research on well-being with numerous real-world examples to offer practical inspiration. Her fresh take on our things, our work, and our relationships spells out micro-actions that anyone can take to step into a life that’s more conscious and connected, sustainable and sustaining, heartfelt and happy.”
Below are some previous move and home photos. All photos by Tammy & Logan.