Upgraded Tiny House Forum
I just finished an upgrade on Tiny House Forum to a forum system called bbPress. The new system feels a lot more user friendly and should thwart spammers a little better. bbPress is made by the same people that make WordPress, the blogging platform most of us use. Anyway if you’d like to take part in more tiny house conversations online please check out Tiny House Forum.
Looks good Iam look at bbPress previously but not revisited it… maybe worth another look..
It’s really stripped down and simple. The trick to making it work is in the plugins. For example you have to use a plugin for simple things like image upload. So far I really like it and it’s stopped a bunch of spammers in their tracks.
bbPress rules, I’ve just set up my first bbPress forums about games ^^ I recommend http://www.bbpressthemes.net for cool bbPress templates.
I can’t visit the forum because it says it has malware. This is the only site I have ever had do this.
A hacker posted some malware… I’m going after him now. Thanks!