Viva la (Tiny House) Revolution – Mad River Mystery Cabin

I love this story. Apparently someone built a rogue cabin on public land, got caught, and move it without a trace. I bet this very same cabin was reassembled just a few miles away and covered with better camouflage. LOL
The story unfolds as such… a forest ranger marches into the woods marking trees for removal in an area untouched for 30 years. The forest is dense with overgrowth and the ranger stumbles upon a 8×12 cabin which ironically looks similar to one of my older designs – the tiny solar saltbox. The cabin is camouflaged, and only visible from about 12-feet away.
The cabin was illegally built on public land, so the ranger gets some assistance and enters the home. They find what appears to them to be a very odd collection of things – including a to do list – but looks more like the basics for simply living in solitude to me.
They left an eviction notice and a warning. A month later they return and find that some of the possessions have been remove. Two weeks more and they find the cabin is completely gone and the ‘campsite’ is left pristine except for a ‘squatters’ symbol left in charcoal on the ground.
The oddest part was that the path the home owner took while removing the cabin was completely unknown. He or she removed the cabin without a trace of the direction they took. Read the original story at the Mad River Union.
I love this story because it shows how, with enough ingenuity, someone can carve out their own existence outside the normal rules and regulations – as long as they also accept the added responsibility of dealing with the consequences when caught.
I truly wish the mystery people behind this cabin good luck in their life in tiny living. It may not be legal or easy, but I bet for them it is something of a dream come true.
(Photo Source: Mad River Union)
Love the Catch Me If You Can book on the shelf
What a wonderful story! Thanks for the refreshing change from the commercialism often displayed here.
i would simply say “i love it!” everything about it, this person’s ethos as evidenced by the books, the beautiful shelves, natural foods, the typewriter! their ease of removal…everything except the mattress.
This story is so cool! Whoever it is is pretty ingenious.
I feel that our govt has no right to claim most of the land and make it illegal for people live on it .after all God put this land here for all of us we shouldn’t have purchase land or pay property tax. I’m very tired of govt regulations as all Americans should be.