Tag: tiny house

Timberlast Kits

I just spotted this on TinyHouseBlog.com. Timberlast if now selling timber frame kits that are a complete enclosed shell for a tiny house. You finish …

Cavco Cabins

Here’s a nice little turn key (manufactured) tiny house option. It’s a tiny cabin made by a company that builds park model homes and campground …

Tiny House Disco

This is just for fun. A funny time lapse video showing the construction of a tiny play house. Be sure to prepare yourself for a …

Turnbull Tiny House

I just ran across this tiny house being built by Elizabeth Turnbull in Byfield, MA. Beginning in August, she hopes that it will be her …

Mini-Cabin Plans

If you’re looking for a simple tiny house that you can build yourself you might find the Mini-Cabin to be the right fit. It’s a …
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