Tiny House Blog featured on Aol Housing Watch

It’s always nice to see tiny houses and simple living featured in a main stream publications. My friend Kent Griswold just had his story written up on Aol Housing Watch by Kaomi Goetz. Kent runs TinyHouseBlog.com and has been blogging about tiny houses full-time for some time now.
It was actually a combination of Kent’s blog and Jay Shafer’s writings that convinced me to begin designing and blogging about tiny house design. Over the last year and a half Kent and I regularly talk shop about blogging and share what we’re learning. Kent even uses a customized variation of the WordPress Theme I developed, which may explain why our blogs look a little bit alike.
We also don’t see each other as direct competitors but stronger together as part of a wider community of tiny house and simple living advocates. I think it’s important to point this out because it illustrates a wide spread common thread that has emerged in our fast growing community; which is that when people come together (readers, designers, builders, bloggers, home owners, the vaguely curious, EVERYONE!) we really do become greater than the sum of our parts.
Congratulations on the article Kent! – Aol Housing Watch article on TinyHouseBlog.com
Way to go Kent! Keep up the good work.
And thank you Michael for posting the story.