Travis’s Tiny House Tour

I ran across this tiny house project on YouTube posted by travis162002. The first video is a tour of his completed house and the other is a construction slideshow.
It’s based on a Tumbleweed Lusby with a couple of nice modifications. Instead of using lap siding he used cedar board & batten siding. He also built out over the porch so he could have two sleeping lofts.
Nice job Travis!
Nicely done.
Very entertaining construction video, especially the spectacular beginning. That is one good looking unit, really nice kitchen setup.
I had wondered why more Tiny Houses don’t have Tiny Ovens! This is a really neat house from the siding choice to the kitchen and all!
Oh, I’ve seen his videos before. I really like his tiny house!
I like this design because of the sitting room that doubles as an extra bedroom. Or maybe even a tiny house mancave? If it came down to it, you have three bedrooms in this tiny house. That’s pretty impressive.
Yep!! Another great build! I like the different design touches on this one, too! Excellent!!
Thanks for sharing your adventure with us, too.
Awesome home and entertaining video.
Congratulations and thank you.
Great Video! My husband and I are building our tiny house this summer. We are currently looking for a trailer. Any suggestions on what or which works best?
Beautiful tiny home! It looks to be very well-built and well thought out. Just wish I could see it in person and know what it feels like to be inside. Thank you for this video and for sharing your creation.
Love your place, great job. Could you tell me where or brand of the ceiling fan. I will need one soon for my little place. Also, is the window fan from the rv stuff, fantastic fan, style? Love it. Thanks
This is absolutely amazing. Very well done. I love the design and craftsmanship. I do have two questions. What size trailer did you use and how do you go about putting two brakes axles on a trailer?
That little place is adorable! There’s no way you’d know there was so much in side from looking at the outside! Do you build these for others?