It’s October 9, 2008 and I’m unofficially coining two new terms today: Vernatecture and Vernatect.
Vernatecture: [ver-na-tek-cher] – The practice of designing buildings and other structures by unlicensed laymen designers and/or builders.
Vernatect: [ver-na-tekt] – An unlicensed laymen designer and/or builder who designs and/or builds buildings or other structures.
Word Origins:
Vernacular: In Latin vernaculus means “native” or “indigenous” language.
Architect: In Ancient Greek means “master builder.”
Verna+Tech would then logically mean Native Builder.
Back Story
It seemed to me that we needed these two new words to describe a very old area of architecture where unlicensed laymen design and build vernacular architecture. In theory these terms would encompass any non-architect that designs and builds structures including sheds and tiny houses.